
Female voices

1st  Sung-Eun Kim (Korea)
2nd  Larisa Rogovets (Ukraine)
     Valeria Stenkina (Russia)
3rd  Elen Chkonia (Georgia)
     Fabienne Chanoyan (France)


Male voices

1st  Lado Ataneli (Georgia)
2nd  Dimitri Kanevsky (Russia)
     Egils Silins (Latvia)
3rd  Na Yun Kyu (Korea)


Special prizes

To the best performer of the Lied Category: ex-aequo Maria Kowollik (Germany) / Verònica Cangemi (Italy)
To a mezzo-soprano finalist: Montserrat Torruella (Spain)
To the best Verdi performer: Fabienne Chanoyan (France)
To the best Mozart performer: Xiao-Qun Chen (Korea)
To the best Schubert performer: Verónica Cangemi (Italy)
To the best light soprano: Emi Hishiki (Japan)
To a tenor finalist: Arturo València (Mexico)
“Fundació Sant Joaquim” scholarship: Jordi Galofré (Spain)
“Fundació Sant Joaquim” scholarship: Antonio Comas (Spain)
“Diputació de Barcelona” scholarship: Olga Bacali (Greece)
“Mercedes Viñas” scholarship: Mireia Casas (Spain)
“Ajuntament de Moià” scholarship: Lucia Megyesi (Hungary)
“Madronita Andreu” scholarship: Rosa Maria Gutièrrez (Spain)
“Col.legi d’Advocats de Barcelona” scholarship: Pavel Smirnov (Russia)
“Accademia Chigiana” scholarship in Siena: José Mauricio Sánchez de la Parra (Spain)
“Accademia di Osimo” scholarship, Italy: Dorota Radomska (Poland)
“Gino Bechi” scholarship for the Paul Schilhawsky course: Murshamal Ussenbajewa (Kazakhstan)
“Joan Oncina” scholarship: Jordi Galofré (Spain)
“Teatre Fortuny” scholarship from Reus: Anna Albelda (Spain)
Prize to the best Spanish singer: ex-aequo Montserrat Torruella / Jordi Galofré
“Grup de Liceístes del 4rt i 5è pis” prize: Montserrat Torruella (Spain)
“Amics de l’Òpera de Sabadell” prize, “Don Pasquale”: Norina, Sung-Eun Kim (Korea)


Ms. Magda Olivero (Italy). Soprano. Operistic career in the main theatres of the world. Recordings.



Mr. Lorenzo Alvary (USA). Bass of the Metropolitan Opera House, New York. Director of the radio programme "Opera Topics", New York.

Mr. Charles Fabius (France). Artistic agent of the "Organisation internationale Opéra et Concert", Paris.

Mr. Enrique Franco (Spain). Music critic.

Mr. András Kürthy (Hungary). General Secretary of the State Opera, Budapest.

Mr. Jordi Maluquer (Spain). President of the Artistic Commission of the Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona.

Mr. Brian McMaster (Great Britain). Director of the Edinburgh International Music and Theatre Festival.

Mr. Emilio Núñez (Spain). Musicologist and Lecturer. Member of several international competitions.

Mr. José Manuel Serra Formigal (Portugal). Former Director of the National Theatre "São Carlos", Lisbon.

Mr. Giuseooe Taddei (Italy). Baritone. Operistic career in the main theatres of the world. Recordings.


*Mr. Mathew Epstein (USA), director of the Welsh National Opera and member of the Jury, could not come to Barcelona.