
Female voices

lº  Null
2nd Byoung-Ju Kim (Korea)
3rd Mi Soon Jang (Korea)


Male voices

lº  Matthias Rexroth (Germany)
2ndSalvador Carbó (Spain)
    Seok-Be Ha (Korea)
3rd Myoung-Won Han (Korea)


Special prizes

To the best Russian Music performer: Mikhail Davydov (Russia)
To the best Donizetti performer: Mi Soon Jang (Korea)
To the best countertenor: Matthias Rexroth (Germany)
To the best Spanish singer: Salvador Carbó
"Grup de Liceístes 4rt. i 5è pis" prize: Salvador Carbó (Spain)
"Diputació de Barcelona" scholarship:Mikhail Davydov (Russia)
"Accademia di Osimo" scholarship: Myoung-Won Han (Korea)
"Ajuntament de Moià" scholarship:Aleksandra Kurzak (Poland)
"Accademia Chigiana" scholarship in Siena: Elisabeth Martirosyan (Georgia)
"Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía" scholarship: Graziela Valceva (Bulgaria) / Natalia Evstafyeva (Russia)
"Dalton Baldwin" scholarship: Cristina Obregón (Spain)
"Fundaçao Casa de Mateus" scholarship: Jeannine Hirzel (Switzerland)
"Col·legi d'Advocats" scholarship from Barcelona: Cleo Mitilineou (Greece) / Elisa Vélez (Spain)
“Francisco Viñas Course" of German Classical Lied and French Melodies: Enric Martínez-Castignani (Spain)
"Joan Oncina" scholarship: Ernesto José Morillo (Venezuela)
"Virginia Zeani" scholarship: Rosa Mª Hernández Zambrano (Mexico) / Serena Daolio (Italy)
"Accademia del Teatro" scholarship, Cagli (Italy), to all the finalists.


Mr. Joan Matabosch (Spain). Artistic Director of the Gran Teatre del Liceu.



Irwin Gage (USA). Pianist. Career in the main concert halls of the world. Recordings.

Mr. Eduard Giménez (Spain). Tenor. Operistic career in the main theatres of the world. Recordings.

Mr. Albin Hänseroth (Germany). Former Intendant of the Hamburgische Staatsoper, Hamburg. Former Artistic Director of the Gran Teatre del Liceu.

Mr. Jesus Iglesias Noriega (Spain). Assistant to the Artistic and Musical Director of the Teatro Real, Madrid.

Ms. Magda Olivero (Italy). Soprano. Operistic career in the main theatres of the world. Recordings.

Andrés Rodríguez (Chile). General Director of the Teatro Municipal de Santiago de Chile.

Mr. Alard von Rhor (Germany). “Operndirektor” of the “Deutsche Oper”, Berlin.

Lenore Rosenberg (USA). Assistant to the Artistic Administrator of the Metropolitan Opera, New York.

Mr. José Manuel Serra Formigal (Portugal). Former Director of the Teatre Nacional "São Carlos", Lisbon.

Ms. Virginia Zenai (USA). Soprano. Operistic career in the main theatres of the world. Recordings.