Inscription Form

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Personal data
Article 1 in the Rules
Candidates who need to apply for a visa will be required to attend the Preliminary Audition in Barcelona (except in the case of candidates registered for the Preliminary Auditions in Beijing or Moscow).
Registration data
Have you previously participated in the Tenor Viñas Contest?
Refer to article 5, 6 and 7 in the Rules
Special Prizes selected

Preliminary Audition

See articles 7, 9 and 10 of the Regulation

Important: The aria of the Preliminar can't be singed again in the Final Phase

Preliminary Hearing
1. Opera

Fase Final

Veure articles 7 i 9 del Reglament

Second audition

See article 11 of the Rules.

2. Opera

See article 12 del of the Rules.

3. Opera
4. Opera

See article 13 in the Rules

5. Opera
6. Opera

Preliminary Audition

See articles 7, 9 and 10 of the Regulation

Important: The aria of the Preliminar can't be singed again in the Final Phase.

Preliminary Audition
1. Oratorio Aria
2. Song


See articles 7 and 9  of the Regulation

Second audition

See article 11 of the Regulation.

3. Oratorio Aria
4. Song

See article12 of the Regulation

5. Oratorio Aria
6. Song
7. Song

Seearticle 13 of the Regulation.

8. Oratorio Aria
9. Song
10. Song

Preliminary Audition

See articles 7, 9 and 10 of the Reglament.

Important: The aria of the Preliminar can't be singed again in the Final Phase

1. Oratorio


See articles 7 and 9 of the Reglament

Second audition

See article 11 of the Reglament.

2. Opera

See article 12 of the Reglament

3. Opera
4. Oratorio Aria

See article 13 of the Regulation

5. Song
6. Song
7. Song
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One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.

Les vostres dades personals s’incorporaran en el fitxer de la Fundació Privada Francesc Viñas amb la finalitat de poder elaborar els diferents materials impresos per a la correcta consecució del 62 Concurs Internacional de Cant Tenor Viñas, la Fase Final del qual tindrà lloc el proper del 18 al 26 de gener del 2025, i per a l’enviament d’informació de les properes edicions. En compliment de la Llei Orgànica 15/1999 de Protecció de Dades de caràcter personal, podreu exercir-ne el dret d’accés, modificació, cancel·lació i oposició tot enviant u correu a Fundació Privada Francesc Viñas, C/ Bruc 125, entresol, 08037 Barcelona o bé al correu electrònic [email protected]. Trobareu més informació a la nostra Política de privacitat.